Computer science Lesson Plan
Class: 6th to 8th - Lesson:18 Operators (Optional for 6th std))

Purpose: Teach relative orientation and procedural operations. Students will learn repetitive conditions clearly.

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Materials Required

Computer, Internet connection.

Prior knowledge

Students should know about direction (Left, Right, forward, backward). Relational operators, Logical operators.




  • Link to view the solution for exercise-1
  • Link to view the solution for exercise-2
  • Link to view the solution for exercise-3
  • Link to view the solution for exercise-4
  • Link to view the solution for exercise-5

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Teachers can help the students to complete these levels if they struggle.
    2. Students can arrive at the solution by any method and need not necessarily follow the same method as is in the solution.
    3. All of the above exercises are optional for Class 6.